New in ColdFusion MX: You can embed a CFML comment within the following ColdFusion elements:
ColdFusion ignores the comment. (In earlier releases, comments within these constructs were not allowed.)
The following examples show valid embedded CFML comments:
<cfif true eq true <!--- comment --->> <cfoutput>myVar: #myVar<!--- comment within pound signs--->#</cfoutput> #IncrementValue(120<!--- comment next to argument--->)# <cf__comment_pos_05 <!--- comment within custom-tag brackets --->> <cfset foo = evaluate("1 + 2<!--- comment --->")> isDefined(dynamicVariable<!--- comment --->) #isDefined<!--- comment --->("MyConstruct")# <cfset myLVar<!--- comment ---> = "myLVar<!--- comment --->">
The following examples show invalid or erroneous embedded CFML comments:
isDefined("myVariable<!--- no comment within name string --->
") is<!--- no comment within function name --->Defined("myVariable
") <cfout<!--- no comment within tag name --->put "#myVariable#">