Outputs the elements, variables and values of most kinds of ColdFusion objects. Useful for debugging. You can display the contents of simple and complex variables, objects, components, user-defined functions, and other elements.
Debugging tags, Variable manipulation tags
<cfdump var = #variable# expand = "Yes or No" label = "text">
cfcookie, cfparam, cfsavecontent, cfschedule, cfset, cfwddx
The expand/contract display capability is useful when working with large structures, such as XML document objects, structures, and arrays.
To display a construct, use code such as the following, in which myDoc is a variable of type XmlDocument:
<cfif IsXmlDoc(mydoc) is "True"> <cfdump var=#mydoc#> </cfif>
The tag output is color-coded according to data type.
If a table cell is empty, this tag displays "[empty string]".
This example shows how to use this tag to display a URL variable. URL variables contain parameters that are passed in a URL string in a page request.
<cfdump var="#URL#">