Reads a binary file (such as an executable or image file) on the serve, into a binary object parameter that you can use in the page. To send it through a web protocol (such as HTTP or SMTP) or store it in a database, first convert it to Base64 using the ToBase64 function.
Note: This action reads the file into a variable in the local Variables scope. It is not intended for use with large files, such as logs, because they can bring down the server.
<cffile action = "readBinary" file = "full_path_name" variable = "var_name">
You convert the binary file to Base64 to transfer it to another site.
The following example creates a variable named aBinaryObj
to contain the ColdFusion Server executable:
<cffile action = "readBinary" file = "c:\cfusion\bin\cfserver.exe" variable = "aBinaryObj">