

Builds a form with CFML custom control tags; these provide more functionality than standard HTML form input elements.


Forms tags


  name = "name"
  action = "form_action"
  preserveData = "Yes" or "No"
  onSubmit = "javascript" 
  target = "window_name"
  encType = "type"
  passThrough = "HTML_attribute(s)"
  codeBase = "URL"
  archive = "URL" 
  scriptSrc = "path">

See also

cfapplet, cfgrid, cfinput, cfselect, cfslider, cftextinput, cftree, cftreeitem


New in ColdFusion MX: the enableCAB attribute is deprecated. Do not use it in new applications. It might not work, and might cause an error, in later releases.

New in ColdFusion MX: the name and action attributes are optional.


Attribute Req/Opt Default Description
[, ...]
A name for the form.
Name of ColdFusion page to execute when the form is submitted for processing.
Lets the user control the URL of the script file; useful if you do not keep the file in the /cfide directory.
When the cfform action attribute posts back to the same page as the form, this determines whether to override the control values with the submitted values.
  • false: values specified in the control tag attributes are used
  • true: corresponding submitted values are used
Applies to these controls:
  • cfform controls cfinput, cfslider, cftextinput; overrides value attribute value
  • cfselect controls that are populated from queries. Overrides the selected attribute. See cfselect.
  • cftree controls: Overrides the cftreeitem expand attribute. If true, expands previously-selected elements. The cftree completePath attribute must be set to Yes.
  • cfgrid controls: has no effect. (This avoids confusion as to whether data has been resubmitted to the database by the control.)
JavaScript function to execute after input validation. Use to for preprocessing data before form is submitted. See Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
For HTML attributes that are not supported by cfform. Attributes and values are passed to the HTML code that is generated for the tag.
For example:
See Description
URL of downloadable JRE plug-in (for Internet Explorer only).
Default: /CFIDE/classes/
See Description
URL of downloadable Java classes for ColdFusion controls.
Default: /CFIDE/classes/CFJava2.jar


This tag requires an end tag.

Some custom control tags that you can use within this tag require the client to download a Java applet; they might execute slightly more slowly than using an HTML form element to get the same information. In addition to regular HTML form elements, you can use the following custom control tags within the cfform tag:

All of these control tags require that the browser is JavaScript-enabled.

If you use this tag after the cfflush tag on a page, an error is thrown.

The method attribute is automatically set to post; if you specify a value, it is ignored.

If you specify a value in quotation marks, you must escape them by doubling them; for example: passThrough = "readonly = ""Yes"" ".

Any form field name, from the cfform tag or an HTML form, that ends in one of the following suffixes invokes server-side form validation:

Do not use these suffixes for your field names.

For more information, see the Retrieving and Formatting Data chapter in Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.

Incorporating HTML form tags

The cfform tag lets you incorporate these standard HTML elements:


<h3>cfform Example</h3>
<cfif IsDefined("form.oncethrough") is "Yes">
  <cfif IsDefined("form.testVal1") is True>
  <h3>Results of Radio Button Test</h3>
  <cfif form.testVal1 is "Yes">Your radio button answer was yes</cfif>
  <cfif form.testVal1 is "No">Your radio button answer was no</cfif>
  <cfif IsDefined("form.chkTest2") is True>
  <h3>Results of Checkbox Test</h3>
    Your checkbox answer was yes
    <h3>Results of Checkbox Test</h3>
    Your checkbox answer was no
  <cfif IsDefined("form.textSample") is True 
   AND form.textSample is not "">
  <h3>Results of Credit Card Input</h3>
    Your credit card number, <cfoutput>#form.textSample#</cfoutput>, 
was valid under the MOD 10 algorithm.
  <cfif IsDefined("form.sampleSlider") is "True">
  <h3>You gave this page a rating of <cfoutput>#form.sampleSlider#
  <hr noshade>
<!--- begin by calling the cfform tag --->
<cfform action = "cfform.cfm">
  <h4>This example displays radio button input type for cfinput.</h4>
  Yes <cfinput type = "Radio" name = "TestVal1" value = "Yes" checked>
  No <cfinput type = "Radio" name = "TestVal1" value = "No">
  <h4>This example displays checkbox input type for cfinput.</h4>
  <cfinput type = "Checkbox" name = "ChkTest2" value = "Yes">
  <h4>This shows client-side validation for cfinput text boxes.</h4>
  <br>(<I>This item is optional</i>)<br>
  Please enter a credit card number:
  <cfinput type = "Text" name = "TextSample" 
    message = "Please enter a Credit Card Number" 
    validate = "creditcard" required = "No">
  <h4>This example shows the use of the cfslider tag.</h4>
  <p>Rate your approval of this example from 1 to 10 by sliding control.
  <p>1 <cfslider name = "sampleSlider" 
      label = "Sample Slider" range = "1,10"
      message = "Please enter a value from 1 to 10" 
      scale = "1" bold = "No"
      italic = "No" refreshlabel = "No"> 10
<p><input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "show me the result">
<input type = "hidden" name = "oncethrough" value = "Yes">
