Required for a cfhttp POST operation. Specifies parameters to build the operation.
Forms tags, Internet Protocol tags
name = "name"
type = "type"
value = "transaction type"
file = "filename">
This tag's parameter values are URL-encoded, so the values of special characters (such as the ampersand) are preserved when they are passed to the server. For more information, see the function URLEncodedFormat.
<p>This view-only example shows the use ofcfhttpparam
to show the values of passed variables on another HTML reference, accessed bycfhttp
. The other file could output the value of form.formtest, url.url_test, cgi.cgi_test, and cookie.cookie_test to prove that this page is working: <h3>Sample Other File Listing</h3> <cfoutput>#HTMLCodeFormat(" <html> <head> <title>Sample Page</title> </head> <body> <h3>Output the passed variables</h3> <cfoutput> Form variable: ##form.form_test## <br>URL variable: ##URL.url_test## <br>Cookie variable: ##Cookie.cookie_test## <br>CGI variable: ##CGI.cgi_test## </cfoutput> </body> </html> ")#</cfoutput> <!--- <p> <cfhttp
method = "post" url = "http://localhost/someotherfile.cfm"> <cfhttpparam
name = "form_test" type = "FormField" value = "This is a form variable"> <cfhttpparam
name = "url_test" type = "URL" value = "This is a URL variable"> <cfhttpparam
name = "cgi_test" type = "CGI" value = "This is a CGI variable"> <cfhttpparam
name = "cookie_test" type = "Cookie" value = "This is a cookie"> </cfhttp
> <cfoutput> #cfhttp.fileContent# </cfoutput> --->