You can use the cfimport
tag to import custom tags from a directory as a tag library, or to import a Java Server Page (JSP) tag library. A JSP tag library is a packaged set of tag handlers that conform to the JSP 1.1 tag extension API.
<cfimport taglib = "taglib-location" prefix = "custom" webservice = "URL">
New in ColdFusion MX: This tag is new.
The following example imports the tags from the directory myCustomTags:
prefix="mytags" taglib="myCustomTags">
You can import multiple tag libraries using one prefix. If there are duplicate tags in a library, the first one takes precedence.
JSP tags have fixed attributes; however, if the tag supports runtime attribute expressions, most tag libraries support the use of the syntax #expressions#
To reference a JSP tag in a CFML page, use the syntax <prefix:tagname>
. Set the prefix value in the prefix
To use JSP custom tags in a ColdFusion page, follow these steps:
prefix="mytags" taglib="/WEB-INF/lib/myjsptags.jar">
To reference a JSP tag from a JAR file, use the following syntax:
<mytags:helloTag message="#mymessage#" /> <cfoutput>
The cfimport
tag does not work within a cfinclude
call. ColdFusion does not throw an error in this situation. To include tags from a JSP tag library, you must put the cfimport
tag at the top of every page that is called by the cfinclude
tag. (Putting the cfimport
tag into an application.cfm file does not propagate the import.) For example, put a statement such as the following in each page that is called by the cfinclude
<cfimport taglib="/WEB-INF/webcomponent" prefix="c">
You cannot use this tag to suppress output from a tag library.
For more information, see the Java Server Page 1.1 specification.
<h3>cfimport example - view only</h3> <cftry> <!--- Import the JRun Custom Tag Libraries ---> <cfimport taglib="jruntags.jar" prefix="customtag"> <customtag:sql datasrc="#regdatasource#" id="x"> SELECT employee_id, firstname, lastname, email, phone, department FROM employees WHERE employee_id < 3 </customtag:sql> <customtag:param id="x" type="allaire.taglib.querytable"/> <table> <customtag:foreach group="#x#"> <tr> <cfoutput> <TD>#x.get("employee_id")#</TD> <TD>#x.get("firstname")#</TD> <TD>#x.get("lastname")#</TD> <TD>#x.get("email")#</TD> <TD>#x.get("phone")#</TD> <TD>#x.get("department")#</TD> </cfoutput> </tr> </customtag:foreach> </table> <cfcatch> <cfoutput>#CFCATCH.message# - #CFCATCH.DETAIL# </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> <h3>id= cfimport-jruntags-sql-pos-1-t1</h3> <table> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>carolynn</td> <td>peterson</td> <td>cpeterson</td> <td>(612) 832-7654</td> <td>sales</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>dave</td> <td> heartsdale</td> <td>fheartsdale</td> <td>(612) 832-7201</td> <td>accounting</td> </tr> </table>