Used within the cfform tag, to place radio buttons, check boxes, or text boxes on a form. Provides input validation for the specified control type.
<cfinput type = "input_type" name = "name" value = "initial_value" required = "Yes" or "No" range = "min_value, max_value" validate = "data_type" onValidate = "javascript_function" pattern = "regexp" message = "validation_msg" onError = "text" size = "integer" maxLength = "integer" checked passThrough = "HTML_attributes">
New in ColdFusion MX: if the cfform
tag preserveData
attribute is set to True, ColdFusion checks radio and checkbox values only if their value matches the posted value for the control. (In earlier releases, if the posted value did not match any of the cfinput
checkboxes or radio buttons for the control, the checked
attribute was used.
If the cfform
attribute is true and the form posts back to the same page, the posted value of the cfinput control is used, instead of its Value or Checked attribute.
If cfinput
checkbox or radio type values match the submitted value for the control, ColdFusion checks their values. If no value matches, nothing is checked.
To add other HTML <input> tag attributes and values to this tag, use the passThrough
attribute. They are passed through ColdFusion to the browser when creating a form. The supported HTML attributes are: CLASS, ID, MAXLENGTH, MESSAGE, ONBLUR, ONCHANGE, ONCLICK, ONDBLCLICK, ONFOCUS, SIZE, STYLE, and TABINDEX.
If you specify a value in quotation marks, you must escape them; for example,
passThrough = "readonly = " "YES " " "
For more information, see "cfform". For information on using JavaScript regular expressions with this tag, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
<!--- this example shows the use of cfinput within a cfform to ensure simple validation of text items ---> <cfform action = "cfinput.cfm"> <!--- phone number validation ---> Phone Number Validation (enter a properly formatted phone number): <br> <cfinput type = "Text" name = "MyPhone" message = "Enter telephone number,formatted xxx-xxx-xxxx (e.g. 617-761-2000)" validate = "telephone" required = "Yes"> <font size = -1 color = red>Required</font> <!--- zip code validation ---> <p>Zip Code Validation (enter a properly formatted zip code):<br> <cfinput type = "Text" name = "MyZip" message = "Enter zip code, formatted xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx" validate = "zipcode" required = "Yes"> <font size = -1 color = red>Required</font> <!--- range validation ---> <p>Range Validation (enter an integer from 1 to 5): <br> <cfinput type = "Text" name = "MyRange" range = "1,5" message = "You must enter an integer from 1 to 5" validate = "integer" required = "No"> <!--- date validation ---> <p>Date Validation (enter a properly formatted date):<br> <cfinput type = "Text" name = "MyDate" message = "Enter a correctly formatted date (dd/mm/yy)" validate = "date" required = "No"> <input type = "Submit" name = "" value = "send my information"> </cfform>