Inserts records in data sources from data in a ColdFusion form or form Scope.
<cfinsert dataSource = "ds_name" tableName = "tbl_name" tableOwner = "owner" tableQualifier = "tbl_qualifier" username = "username" password = "password" formFields = "formfield1, formfield2, ...">
New in ColdFusion MX: the connectString
, dbName
, dbServer
, dbtype, provider
and providerDSN
attributes are deprecated. Do not use them. They do not work, and might cause an error, in releases later than ColdFusion 5.
<!--- This shows how to use cfinsert instead of cfquery to put data in a datasource. ---> <!--- if form.POSTED exists, we insert new record, so begin cfinsert tag ---> <cfif IsDefined ("form.posted")> <cfinsert dataSource = "cfsnippets" tableName = "Comments" formFields = "Email,FromUser,Subject,MessText,Posted"> <h3><I>Your record was added to the database.</i></h3> </cfif> <cfif IsDefined ("form.posted")> <cfif Server.OS.Name IS "Windows NT"> <cfinsert datasource="cfsnippets" tablename="Comments" formfields="EMail,FromUser,Subject,MessText,Posted"> <cfelse> <cfinsert datasource="cfsnippets" tablename="Comments" formfields="CommentID,EMail,FromUser,Subject,MessText,Posted"> </cfif> <h3><i>Your record was added to the database.</i></h3> </cfif> <!--- use a query to show the existing state of the database ---> <cfquery name = "GetComments" dataSource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT CommentID, EMail, FromUser, Subject, CommtType, MessText, Posted, Processed FROM Comments </cfquery> <html> <head></head> <h3>cfinsert Example</h3> <p>First, show a list of the comments in the cfsnippets datasource. <!--- show all the comments in the db ---> <table> <tr> <td>From User</td><td>Subject</td><td>Comment Type</td> <td>Message</td><td>Date Posted</td> </tr> <cfoutput query = "GetComments"> <tr> <td valign = top><a href = "mailto:#Email#">#FromUser#</A></td> <td valign = top>#Subject#</td> <td valign = top>#CommtType#</td> <td valign = top><font size = "-2">#Left(MessText, 125)#</font></td> <td valign = top>#Posted#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <p>Next, we'll offer the opportunity to enter a comment: <!--- make a form for input ---> <form action = "cfinsert.cfm" method = "post"> <pre> Email: <input type = "Text" name = "email"> From: <input type = "Text" name = "fromUser"> Subject:<input type = "Text" name = "subject"> Message:<textarea name = "MessText" COLS = "40" ROWS = "6"></textarea> Date Posted: <cfoutput>#DateFormat(Now())#</cfoutput> <!--- dynamically determine today's date ---> <input type = "hidden" name = "posted" value = "<cfoutput>#Now()#</cfoutput>"> </pre> <input type = "Submit" name = "" value = "insert my comment"> </form>