Determines whether to suppress the output of extra white space and other CFML output, within the Tag scope. Used with applications that depend on the whitespace characteristics of their output stream.
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding = "page-encoding literal string"> or <cfprocessingdirective suppressWhiteSpace = "Yes" or "No" pageEncoding = "page-encoding literal string"> CFML tags </cfprocessingdirective>
New in ColdFusion MX: You can specify the suppresswhitespace
attribute value as a literal string variable. (ColdFusion 5 supported setting it only as a constant.)
New in ColdFusion MX: the pageEncoding
attribute is new.
If you use the pageEncoding
attribute, the following rules apply:
attribute, the attribute must specify the same value; if not, ColdFusion throws an error.cfprocessingdirective
tag has already been evaluated: <cfif dynEncoding is not "dynamic encoding is not possible"> <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=#dynEncoding#> </cfif>
You can specify the suppresswhitespace
attribute value as a constant or a variable. To use a variable: define the variable (for example, whitespaceSetting
), assign it the value "Yes
" or "No
", and code a statement such as the following:
<!--- ColdFusion allows suppression option to be set at runtime --->
<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace=#whitespaceSetting#> code to whose output the setting is applied </cfprocessingdirective>
This tag's options do not apply to pages that are included by cfinclude
, cfmodule
, custom tag invocation, and so on.
Macromedia recommends that you include either the pageencoding
or suppresswhitespace
attribute; not both.
If you specify only the pageencoding
attribute, you must code it within the tag (do not use a separate end tag).
If you specify the suppresswhitespace
attribute, you must code it within the start tag, and use and end tag (</cfprocessingdirective
When the ColdFusion compiler begins processing a page, it searches for a byte order mark (BOM). Processing is as follows:
ColdFusion accepts character encoding names that are defined by the Java platform. If an invalid name is specified, ColdFusion throws an InvalidEncodingSpecification exception.
The following example shows the use of a nested cfprocessingdirective
tag. The outer tag suppresses unnecessary whitespace during computation of a large table; the inner tag retains whitespace, to output a preformatted table.
<cfprocessingdirective suppressWhiteSpace = "Yes">
CFML code--->
<cfprocessingdirective suppressWhiteSpace = "No"> <cfoutput>#table_data# </cfoutput> </cfprocessingdirective> </cfprocessingdirective>
The following example shows the use of the pageencoding
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding = "shift-jis">