Encloses a code block that contains cfscript
Application framework tags, Other tags
<cfscript> cfscript code here </cfscript>
and cfcatch
tags as cfscript constructsPerforms processing in CFScript. This tag uses ColdFusion functions, expressions, and operators. You can read and write ColdFusion variables within this tag.
You can use this tag to enclose a series of assignment statements that would otherwise require cfset
Caution: If you code a cftry/cfcatch block within this tag using an exception's Java class name, you must provide the fully-qualified class name.
You cannot use some ColdFusion reserved words in this tag. You cannot put a user-defined function whose name begins with any of these strings within this tag:
You cannot use the elseif
construct within a cfscript
tag. You can use code such as the following:
else if ( condition ) { ... }
To handle exceptions with this tag, use try
and catch
statements, which are equivalent to the cftry
and cfcatch
tags. For each try
statement, you must have a catch
statement. In the catch
block, the variable exceptionVariable
contains the exception type. This variable is the equivalent of the cfcatch
tag built-in variable cfcatch.Type
. For more information, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
CFScript invokes component methods using the createObject
The following example shows how to invoke a component object with the cfscript
tag, using ordered arguments:
quote = createObject( "component", "nasdaq.quote" ) ; <!--- invocation using ordered arguments ---> res = quote.getLastTradePrice( "macr" ) ; </cfscript>
The following example shows how to use an attribute collection within the cfscript
tag to pass parameters when invoking a component object. An attribute collection is a structure in which each key corresponds to a parameter name and each value is the parameter value passed for the corresponding key.
stArgs = structNew(); stArgs.translationmode = "en_es"; stArgs.sourceData= "Hello world, friend"; </cfscript> ... <cfinvoke webservice = "http://www.xmethods.net/sd/2001/BabelFishService.wsdl" method = "BabelFish" argumentCollection = "#stArgs#" returnVariable = "varName" > <cfoutput>#varName#</cfoutput>
In this example, the structure is created in a cfscript
block, but you can use any ColdFusion method to create the structure.
The following example shows how to consume a web service with the cfscript
tag. You use the CreateObject function to connect to the web service.
ws = CreateObject("webservice", "http://www.xmethods.net/sd/2001/BabelFishService.wsdl"); xlatstring = ws.BabelFish("en_es", "Hello world, friend"); writeoutput(xlatstring); </cfscript>
For more information, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
<p>This simple example shows variable declaration and manipulation. <cfif IsDefined("form.myValue")> <cfif IsNumeric(form.myValue)> <cfset x = form.myValue> <cfscript> y = x; z = 2 * y; StringVar = form.myString; </cfscript> <cfoutput> <p>twice #x# is #z#. <p>Your string value was: <b><I>#StringVar#</i></b> </cfoutput> <cfelse>