Throws a developer-specified exception, which can be caught with a cfcatch
tag that has any of the following type
attribute options:
type = "custom_type"
type = "Application"
type = "Any"
Exception handling tags, Flow-control tags
<cfthrow type = "exception_type " message = "message" detail = "detail_description " errorCode = "error_code " extendedInfo = "additional_information" object = "java_except_object">
<cfthrow object = #object_name#>
New in ColdFusion MX: this tag can throw ColdFusion component method exceptions.
Use this tag within a cftry
block, to throw an error. The cfcatch
block can access accompanying information, as follows:
To get more information, use cfcatch.tagContext
. This shows where control switches from one page to another in the tag stack (for example, cfinclude
, cfmodule
To display the information displayed by tagContext
: in the ColdFusion Administrator, Debugging page, select Enable CFML Stack Trace.
To use this tag with the object
parameter, you must define an exception using the cfobject
tag, with code such as the following:
<cfobject type="java" action="create" class="coldfusion.tagext.InvalidTagAttributeException" name="obj"> <cfset obj.init("Attribute", "value")>
With this code, the cfthrow
statement would be as follows:
<cfthrow object=#obj#>
The cfthrow
tag passes exception parameters to the obj
<h3>cfthrow Example</h3> <!--- open a cftry block ---> <cftry> <!--- define a condition upon which to throw the error ---> <cfif NOT IsDefined("URL.myID")> <!--- throw the error ---> <cfthrow message = "ID is not defined"> </cfif> <!--- perform the error catch ---> <cfcatch type = "application"> <!--- display your message ---> <h3>You've Thrown an <b>Error</b></h3> <cfoutput> <!--- and the diagnostic feedback from the application server ---> <p>#cfcatch.message#</p> <p>The contents of the tag stack are:</p> <cfloop index = i from = 1 to = #ArrayLen(cfcatch.tagContext)#> <cfset sCurrent = #cfcatch.tagContext[i]#> <br>#i# #sCurrent["ID"]# (#sCurrent["LINE"]#,#sCurrent["COLUMN"]#) #sCurrent["TEMPLATE"]# </cfloop> </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry>