Displays and logs debugging data about the state of an application at the time the cftrace
tag executes. Tracks runtime logic flow, variable values, and execution time. Displays output at the end of the request or in the debugging section at the end of the request; or, in Dreamweaver MX and later, in in the Server Debug tab of the Results window.
ColdFusion logs cftrace
output to the file logs\cftrace.log, in the ColdFusion installation directory.
Note: To permit this tag to execute, you must enable debugging in the ColdFusion Administrator. Optionally, to report trace summaries, enable the Trace section.
Debugging tags, Variable manipulation tags
<cftrace abort = "Yes or No" category = "string" inline = "Yes or No" text = "string" type = "format" var = "variable_name" </cftrace>
New in ColdFusion MX: this tag is new.
You cannot put application code within this tag. (This avoids problems that can occur if you disable debugging.)
This tag is useful for debugging CFML code during application development.
You can display cftrace
tag output in the following ways:
tag, and displays the trace output when it encounters the tag.This is an example of a log file entry:
"Information","web-4","04/08/02","23:21:30", ,"[30 ms (1st trace)] [C:\cfusion\wwwroot\generic.cfm @ line: 9] - [thisPage = /generic.cfm] " "Information","web-0","04/08/02","23:58:58", ,"[5187 ms (10)] [C:\cfusion\wwwroot\generic.cfm @ line: 14] - [category] [thisPage = /generic.cfm] [ABORTED] thisPage "
For a complex variable, ColdFusion lists the variable name and the number of elements in the object; it does not log the contents of the variable.
The following example traces a FORM variable that is evaluated by a cfif
<cftrace var="FORM.variable"
text="doing equivalency check for FORM.variable" category="form_vars" inline="true"> <cfif isDefined("FORM.variable") AND #FORM.variable# EQ 1> <h1>Congratulations, you're a winner!</h1> <cfelse> <h1>Sorry, you lost!</h1> </cfif>