Constructs a drop-down list box form control. Used within a cfform
You can populate the list from a query, or by using the HTML option
name = "name"
required = "Yes" or "No"
message = "text"
onError = "text"
size = "integer"
multiple = "Yes" or "No"
query = "queryname"
selected = "column_value"
value = "text"
display = "text"
passThrough = "HTML_attributes">
To ensure that a selected list box item persists across postbacks, use the cfform
attribute with a list generated from a query. (This strategy works only with data that is populated from a query.)
If the cfform preserveData
attribute is true and the form posts back to the same page, and if the control is populated by a query, the posted selection(s) for the cfselect
control are used instead of the Selected
attribute. For controls that are populated with regular HTML option
tags, the developer must dynamically add the Selected
attribute to the appropriate option tag(s).
For this tag to work properly. the browser must be JavaScript-enabled.
To add other HTML <input> tag attributes and values to this tag, use the passThrough
attribute. They are passed through to the select
tag that ColdFusion generates for the cfselect
control when creating a form. The supported HTML attributes are: CLASS, ID, MAXLENGTH, MESSAGE, ONBLUR, ONCHANGE, ONCLICK, ONDBLCLICK, ONFOCUS, SIZE, STYLE, and TABINDEX.
If you put a value in quotation marks, you must escape them; for example:
passThrough = "readonly = " "yes " " "
For more information, see the cfform tag entry.
<!--- This example shows the use of cftree, cfselect and cfgrid in a cfform. The query takes a list of employees, and uses cftree and cfselect to display results of query. cfgrid is used to show an alternate means of displaying the data ---> <!--- set a default for the employeeNames variable ---> <cfparam name = "employeeNames" default = ""> <!--- if an employee name has been passed from the form, set employeeNames variable to this value ---> <cfif IsDefined("form.employeeNames") is not "False"> <cfset employeeNames = form.employeeNames> </cfif> <!--- query the datasource to find the employee information---> <cfquery name = "GetEmployees" dataSource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName, EMail, Phone, Department FROM Employees WHERE 0=0 <cfif employeeNames is not ""> AND LastName = '#employeeNames#' </cfif> </cfquery> <h3>cfselect Example</h3> <!--- Use cfform when using other cfinput tools ---> <cfform action = "cfselect.cfm"> <!--- Use cfselect to present the contents of the query by column ---> <h3>cfselect Presentation of Data</h3> <h4>Click on an employee's last name and hit "see information for this employee" to see expanded information.</h4> <cfselect name = "EmployeeNames" message = "Select an Employee Name" size = "#getEmployees.recordcount#" query = "GetEmployees" value = "LastName" required = "No"> <option value = "">Select All </cfselect> <input type="Submit" name="" value="see information for this employee"> <!--- showing the use of cftree ------------------------------------------> <!--- use cftree for an expanded presentation of the data Loop through the query to create each branch of the CFTREE -----------------------------> <h3>cftree Presentation of Data</h3> <h4>Click on the folders to "drill down" and reveal information.</h4> <p> <cftree name="SeeEmployees" height="150" width="240" font="Arial Narrow" bold="No" italic="No" border="Yes" hscroll="Yes" vscroll="Yes" required="No" completepath="No" appendkey="Yes" highlighthref="Yes"> <cfloop query="GetEmployees"> <cftreeitem value="#Emp_ID#" parent="SeeEmployees" expand="No"> <cftreeitem value="#LastName#" display="Name" parent="#Emp_ID#" queryasroot="No" expand="No"> <cftreeitem value="#LastName#, #FirstName#" parent="#LastName#" expand="No" queryasroot="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Department#" display="Department" parent="#Emp_ID#" queryasroot="No" expand="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Department#" parent="#Department#" expand="No" queryasroot="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Phone#" display="Phone" parent="#Emp_ID#" queryasroot="No" expand="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Phone#" parent="#Phone#" expand="No" queryasroot="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Email#" display="Email" parent="#Emp_ID#" queryasroot="No" expand="No"> <cftreeitem value="#Email#" parent="#Email#" expand="No" queryasroot="No"> </cfloop> </cftree> <!----- You can also use CFGRID for a more comprehensive, quicker view at the data ----------------------------------------------------------------> <h3>CFGRID Presentation of Data</h3> <cfgrid name="SampleGrid" width="600" query="GetEmployees" insert="No" delete="No" sort="No" font="Verdana" bold="No" italic="No" appendkey="No" highlighthref="No" griddataalign="LEFT" gridlines="Yes" rowheaders="No" rowheaderalign="LEFT" rowheaderitalic="No" rowheaderbold="No" colheaders="Yes" colheaderalign="CENTER" colheaderitalic="No" colheaderbold="No" bgcolor="Teal" selectmode="BROWSE" picturebar="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="LastName" header="Last Name" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" bold="No" italic="No" select="Yes" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" header="First Name" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" fontsize="2" bold="No" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="Email" header="Email" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" bold="No" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="Phone" header="Phone" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" bold="No" italic="Yes" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="Department" header="Department" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" bold="Yes" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID" header="ID" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" width="40" bold="No" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> </cfgrid> </cfform>