Puts a slider control, for selecting a numeric value from a range, in a ColdFusion form. The slider moves over the slider groove. As the user moves the slider, the current value displays. Used within a cfform
<cfslider name = "name" label = "text" refreshLabel = "Yes" or "No" range = "min_value, max_value" scale = "uinteger" value = "integer" onValidate = "script_name" message = "text" onError = "text" height = "integer" width = "integer" vSpace = "integer" hSpace = "integer" align = "alignment" tickMarkMajor = "Yes" or "No" tickMarkMinor = "Yes" or "No" tickMarkImages = "URL1, URL2, URLn" tickMarkLabels = "Yes" or "No" or "list" lookAndFeel = "motif" or "windows" or "metal" vertical = "Yes" or "No" bgColor = "color" textColor = "color" font = "font_name" fontSize = "integer" italic = "Yes" or "No" bold = "Yes" or "No" notSupported = "text">
New in ColdFusion MX: The img
, imgStyle
, and grooveColor
attributes are deprecated. Do not use them in new applications. They might not work, and might cause an error, in later releases.
This tag requires the client to download a Java applet. Using this tag may be slightly slower than using an HTML form element to display the same information.
For this tag to work properly. the browser must be JavaScript-enabled.
If the following conditions are true, a user's selection from query data that populates this tag's options continues to display after the user submits the form:
attribute is set to "Yes
attribute posts to the same page as the form itself (this is the default), or the action page has a form that contains controls with the same names as corresponding controls on the user entry formFor more information, see the cfform tag entry.
<!--- This example shows how to use cfslider within cfform ---> <h3>cfslider Example</h3> <p>cfslider, used within a cfform, can provide functionality to Java-enabled browsers. <p>Try moving the slider back and forth to see the real-time value change. Then, submit the form to show how cfslider passes its value on to a new page. <cfif isdefined("form.mySlider") is true> <h3>You slid to a value of <cfoutput>#mySlider#</cfoutput></h3> Try again! </cfif> <cfform action = "cfslider.cfm"> <cfslider name = "mySlider" value = "12" label = "Actual Slider Value " range = "1,100" align = "BASELINE" message = "Slide the bar to get a value between 1 and 100" height = "50" width = "150" font = "Verdana" bgColor = "Silver" bold = "No" italic = "Yes" refreshLabel = "Yes"> 100 <p><input type = "Submit" name = "" value = "Show the Result"> </cfform>