CreateObject: CORBA object


The CreateObject function can call a method on a CORBA object. The object must be defined and registered for use.

Return value

A handle to a CORBA interface.


CreateObject(type, context, class, locale) 


New in ColdFusion MX: the Naming Service separator format for addresses has changed from a dot to a forward slash. For example, if "context=NameService", for a class, use either of the following formats for the class parameter:

(In earlier releases, the format was "Macromedia.Eng.CF".)

New in ColdFusion MX: the locale attribute specifies the Java config that contains the properties file.


Parameter Description
Type of object to create.
  • com
  • corba
  • java
  • component
  • webservice
  • IOR: ColdFusion uses IOR to access CORBA server
  • NameService: ColdFusion uses naming service to access server. Valid only with the InitialContext of a VisiBroker ORB.
  • If context = "ior": absolute path of file that contains string version of the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR). ColdFusion must be able to read file; it should be local to ColdFusion server or accessible on network
  • If context = "nameservice:" forward slash-delimited naming context for naming service. For example: Allaire//Doc/empobject
The name of the Java config that holds the properties file. For more information, see Administering ColdFusion MX.


In the class attribute, if "context=NameService", use a dot separator for the first part of the string. Use either of the following formats:

ColdFusion Enterprise supports CORBA through the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII). To use this function with CORBA objects, you must provide the name of the file that contains a string version of the IOR, or the object's naming context in the naming service. You must provide the object's attributes, method names and method signatures.

This function supports user-defined types (structures, arrays, and sequences).


myobj = CreateObject("corba", "d:\temp\tester.ior", "ior", 
"visibroker") //    uses IOR

myobj =   CreateObject("corba", "Macromedia/Eng/CF", 
"nameservice", "visibroker")    // uses nameservice

myobj =   CreateObject("corba", "d:\temp\tester.ior", 
"nameservice")    // uses nameservice and default configuration
