Deletes an element from an array.
When an element is deleted, ColdFusion recalculates index positions. For example, in an array that contains the months of the year, deleting the element at position 5 removes the entry for May. After this, to delete the entry for June, you would delete the element at position 5 (not 6).
True, on successful completion.
ArrayDeleteAt(array, position)
New in ColdFusion MX: this function can be used on XML objects.
New in ColdFusion MX: this function can throw the InvalidArrayIndexException error.
Parameter | Description |
array |
Name of an array |
position |
Array position |
If this function attempts to delete an element at position 0, or specifies a value for position
that is greater than the size of array
, this function throws an InvalidArrayIndexException error.
<h3>ArrayDeleteAt Example</h3><p> <!--- create an array ---> <cfset DaysArray = ArrayNew(1)> <!--- populate an element or two ---> <cfset DaysArray[1] = "Monday"> <cfset DaysArray[2] = "Tuesday"> <cfset DaysArray[3] = "Wednesday"> <!--- delete the second element ---> <p>Is the second element gone?: <cfoutput>#ArrayDeleteAt(DaysArray,2)#</cfoutput> <!--- the formerly third element, "Wednesday" is second element ---> <p>The second element is now: <cfoutput>#DaysArray[2]#</cfoutput>