Formats a string in U.S. format. (For other currencies, use LSCurrencyFormat or LSEuroCurrencyFormat.)
A number as a string, formatted with two decimal places, thousands separator, and dollar sign. If number is negative, the return value is enclosed in parentheses. If number is an empty string, returns zero.
Display and formatting functions
Parameter | Description |
number |
Number to format |
<!--- This example shows the use of DollarFormat ---> <html> <head> <title>DollarFormat Example</title> </head> <body> <h3>DollarFormat Example</h3> <cfloop from = 8 to = 50 index = counter> <cfset full = counter> <cfset quarter = Evaluate(counter + (1/4))> <cfset half = Evaluate(counter + (1/2))> <cfset threefourth = Evaluate(counter + (3/4))> <cfoutput> <pre> bill #DollarFormat(full)# #DollarFormat(quarter)# #DollarFormat(half)# #DollarFormat(threefourth)# 18% tip #DollarFormat(Evaluate(full * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(quarter * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(half * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(threefourth * (18/100)))# </pre> </cfoutput> </cfloop> </body> </html>