Extracts a filename and directory from an absolute path.
Absolute path, without the filename. The last character is a backward slash.
Parameter | Description |
path |
Absolute path (drive, directory, filename, and extension) |
<h3>GetDirectoryFromPath Example</h3> <cfset thisPath = ExpandPath("*.*")> <cfset thisDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(thisPath)> <cfoutput> The current directory is: #GetDirectoryFromPath(thisPath)# <cfif IsDefined("FORM.yourFile")> <cfif FORM.yourFile is not ""> <cfset yourFile = FORM.yourFile> <cfif FileExists(ExpandPath(yourfile))> <p>Your file exists in this directory. You entered the correct file name, #GetFileFromPath("#thisPath#/#yourfile#")# <cfelse> <p>Your file was not found in this directory: <br>Here is a list of the other files in this directory: <!--- use cfdirectory show directory, order by name & size ---> <cfdirectory directory = "#thisDirectory#" name = "myDirectory" SORT = "name ASC, size DESC"> <!--- Output the contents of the cfdirectory as a CFTABLE ---> <cftable query = "myDirectory"> <cfcol header = "NAME:" text = "#Name#"> <cfcol header = "SIZE:" text = "#Size#"> </cftable> </cfif> </cfif> <cfelse> <H3>Please enter a file name</H3> </cfif> </cfoutput> <form action="getdirectoryfrompath.cfm" METHOD="post"> <H3>Enter the name of a file in this directory <I><FONT SIZE="-1"> (try expandpath.cfm)</FONT></I></H3> <input type="Text" NAME="yourFile"> <input type="Submit" NAME=""> </form> --->