Makes HTTP request headers and body available to CFML pages. Useful for capturing SOAP request data, which can be delivered in an HTTP header.
The structure returned by this function contains the following entries:
Note: To determine whether data is binary, use IsBinary(x.content).
To convert data to a string value, if it can be displayed as a string, use toString(x.content)
The following example shows how this function can return HTTP header information.
<cfset x = GetHttpRequestData()>
<cfoutput> <table cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "2"> <tr> <td><b>HTTP Request item</b></td> <td><b>Value</b></td> </tr> <cfloop collection = #x.headers# item = "http_item"> <tr> <td>#http_item#</td> <td>#StructFind(x.headers, http_item)#</td> </tr> </cfloop> <tr> <td>request_method</td> <td>#x.method#</td></tr> <tr> <td>server_protocol</td> <td>#x.protocol#</td></tr> </table> <b>http_content --- #x.content#</b> </cfoutput>