Calculates the binary representation of Base64-encoded data.
The binary representation of Base64-encoded data.
Conversion functions, Other functions, String functions
ToBinary(string_in_Base64 or binary_value)
for information about serializing and deserializing binary dataParameter | Description |
string_in_Base64 or binary_value |
A string or a variable that contains one:
Base64 provides 6-bit encoding of 8-bit ASCII characters. From Base64 data, you can recreate the binary object that it represents, such as a GIF, JPG, or executable file.
<h3>ToBinary Example</h3> <!---- Initialize data. ----> <cfset charData = ""> <!---- Create a string of ASCII characters (32-255); concatenate them. ----> <cfloop index = "data" from = "32" to = "255"> <cfset ch = chr(data)> <cfset charData = charData & ch> </cfloop> <p>The following string is the concatenation of all characters (32 to 255) from the ASCII table.<br> <cfoutput>#charData#</cfoutput></p> <!----- Create a Base64 representation of this string. -----> <cfset data64 = toBase64(charData)> <!--- Convert string to binary. ----> <cfset binaryData = toBinary(data64)> <!--- Convert binary back to Base64. ---> <cfset another64 = toBase64(binaryData)> <!---- Compare another64 with data64 to ensure that they are equal. ----> <cfif another64 eq data64> <h3>Base64 representation of binary data is identical to the Base64 representation of string data.</h3> <cfelse> <h3>Conversion error.</h3> </cfif>