

Converts an XML document that is represented as a string variable into an XML document object.

Return value

An XML document object.


Conversion functions, Extensibility functions, XML functions


XmlParse(xmlString [, caseSensitive ] ) 

See also

cfxml, IsXmlDoc, XmlChildPos, XmlChildPos, XmlFormat, XmlNew, XmlSearch, XmlTransform


New in ColdFusion MX: this function is new.


Parameter Description
An XML document object string
  • yes: maintains the case of document elements and attributes
  • no. Default.


The caseSensitive attribute value determines whether identifiers whose characters are of varying case, but are otherwise the same, refer to different components. For example:

If the XML document is represented by a string variable, use the XmlParse tag directly on the variable. For example, if your application uses cfhttp action="get" to get the XML document, use the following code to create the XML document object:

<cfset myXMLDocument = XmlParse(cfhttp.fileContent)>

If the XML document is in a file, use the cffile tag to convert the file to a CFML variable, then use the XmlParse tag on the resulting variable. For example, if the XML document is in the file C:\temp\myxmldoc.xml, use the following code to convert the file to an XML document object:

<cffile action="read" file="C:\temp\myxmldoc.xml" variable="XMLFileText">
<cfset myXMLDocument=XmlParse(XMLFileText)>

Note:   If the file is not encoded with the ASCII or Latin-1 character set, use the cffile tag charset attribute to specify the file's character set. For example, if the file is encoded in UTF, specify charset="UTF-8".
