A copy of the list, with value inserted at the specified position.
ListInsertAt(list, position, value [, delimiters ])
When inserting an element, ColdFusion inserts a delimiter. If delimiters
contains more than one delimiter, ColdFusion uses the first delimiter in the string; if delimiters
is omitted, ColdFusion uses a comma.
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<!--- This example shows ListInsertAt ---> <cfquery name = "GetParkInfo" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT PARKNAME,CITY,STATE FROM PARKS WHERE PARKNAME LIKE 'DE%' </cfquery> <cfset temp = ValueList(GetParkInfo.ParkName)> <cfset insert_at_this_element = ListGetAt(temp, "3", ",")> <cfoutput> <p>The original list: #temp# </cfoutput> <cfset temp2 = ListInsertAt(Temp, "3", "my Inserted Value")>