Concatenates a list or element to a list.
A copy of the list, with value appended. If delimiter = ""
, returns a copy of the list, unchanged.
ListAppend(list, value [, delimiters ])
ColdFusion inserts a delimiter character before value.
To add an element to the beginning or end of a list, Macromedia recommends that you do so with code such as the following, rather than with the listAppend
or listPrepend
<cfset MyValue = "another element"> <cfif listLen(myList) is 0>
<cfset myList = MyValue> <cfelse> <cfset myList = myList & ", " & MyValue> </cfif>
The following table shows examples of ListAppend processing:
<h3>ListAppend Example</h3> <!--- First, query to get some values for our list elements---> <cfquery name = "GetParkInfo" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT PARKNAME,CITY,STATE FROM PARKS WHERE PARKNAME LIKE 'AL%' </cfquery> <cfset temp = ValueList(GetParkInfo.ParkName)> <cfoutput> <p>The original list: #temp# </cfoutput> <!--- now, append a park name to the list ---> <cfset temp2 = ListAppend(Temp, "ANOTHER PARK")> ...