Determines the index of the first list element that contains a specified substring.
Index of the first list element that contains substring. If not found, returns zero.
ListContains(list, substring [, delimiters ])
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<!--- This example shows differences between ListContains and ListFind ---> <!--- Create a list composed of the elements one, two, three. ----> <cfset aList = "one"> <cfset aList = ListAppend(aList, "two")> <cfset aList = ListAppend(aList, "three")> <p>Here is a list: <cfoutput>#aList#</cfoutput> <p><strong>ListContains</strong> checks for substring "wo" in the list elements: <cfoutput> <p> Substring "wo" is in <B>element #ListContains(aList, "wo")#</B> of list. </cfoutput> <p>ListFind cannot check for a substring within an element; therefore, in the code, it does not find substring "wo" (it returns 0): <cfoutput> <p> Substring "wo" is in <b>element #ListFind(aList, "wo")# </b> of the list.</cfoutput> <p><p>If you specify a string that exactly equals an entire list element, such as "two", both ListContains and ListFind find it, in the second element: <p> <strong>ListContains</strong>: <cfoutput> The string "two" is in <b>element #ListContains(aList, "two")#</b> of the list. </cfoutput> <p><strong>ListFind</strong>: <cfoutput> The string "two" is in <b>element #ListFind(aList, "two")#</b> of the list. </cfoutput>