Removes characters from a string.
A copy of the string, with count characters removed from the specified start position. If no characters are found, returns zero.
RemoveChars(string, start, count)
<h3>RemoveChars Example</h3> Returns a string with <I>count</I> characters removed from the start position. Returns 0 if no characters are found. <cfif IsDefined("FORM.myString")> <cfif Evaluate(FORM.numChars + FORM.start) GT Len(FORM.myString)> <p>Your string is only <cfoutput>#Len(FORM.myString)# </cfoutput> characters long. Please enter a longer string, select fewer characters to remove or begin earlier in the string. <cfelse> <cfoutput> <p>Your original string: #FORM.myString# <p>Your modified string: #RemoveChars(FORM.myString, FORM.numChars, FORM.start)# </cfoutput>