Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited list. The search is case-sensitive.
A copy of the string, after making replacements.
List functions, String functions
ReplaceList(string, list1, list2)
The list of substrings to replace is processed sequentially. If a list1 element is contained in list2 elements, recursive replacement might occur. The second example shows this.
<p>The Replacelist function returns <I>string</I> with <I>substringlist1</I> (e.g. "a,b") replaced by <I>substringlist2</I> (e.g. "c,d") in the specified scope. <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MyString")> <p>Your original string, <cfoutput>#FORM.MyString#</cfoutput> <p>You wanted to replace the substring <cfoutput>#FORM.MySubstring1# </cfoutput> with the substring <cfoutput>#FORM.MySubstring2#</cfoutput>. <p>The result: <cfoutput>#Replacelist(FORM.myString, FORM.MySubstring1, FORM.mySubString2)#</cfoutput> </cfif> <form action = "replacelist.cfm" method="post"> <p>String 1 <br><input type = "Text" value = "My Test String" name = "MyString"> <p>Substring 1 (find this list of substrings) <br><input type = "Text" value = "Test, String" name = "MySubstring1"> <p>Substring 2 (replace with this list of substrings) <br><input type = "Text" value = "Replaced, Sentence" name = "MySubstring2"> <p><input type = "Submit" value = "Replace and display" name = ""> </form> <h3>Replacelist Example Two</h3> <cfset stringtoreplace = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."> <cfoutput> #replacelist(stringtoreplace,"dog,brown,fox,black", "cow,black,ferret,white")# </cfoutput>