

Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a string pattern and replace it with another. The search is case-sensitive.

Return value

If the scope attribute is set to one, returns a string with the first occurrence of the regular expression replaced by the value of substring.

If the scope attribute is set to all, returns a string with all occurrences of the regular expression replaced by the value of substring.

If the function finds no matches, it returns a copy of the string unchanged.


String functions


REReplace(string, reg_expression, substring [, scope ]) 

See also

REFind, Replace, ReplaceList, REReplaceNoCase


New in ColdFusion MX: this function supports the following special codes in a substring, to control case conversion:

As in ColdFusion 5, the characters \1, \2, and so on, are backreference codes. To include these literal characters in a substring, you must escape them, by inserting a backslash before them (for example, change "\u" to "\\u").

To include a backslash followed by a backreference or case conversion code, you must escape the backslash, by prefixing another backslash (for example, "\\\1").

For more information on new features, see REFind.


Parameter Description
A string or a variable that contains one. String within which to search.
Regular expression to replace. The search is case-sensitive.
A string or a variable that contains one. Replaces reg_expression.
  • one: replace the first occurrence (default)
  • all: replace all occurrences


For more information, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.


<p>The REReplace function returns <i>string</i> with a regular expression replaced
with <i>substring</i> in the specified scope. Case-sensitive search.
<p>REReplace("I love jellies","jell(y|ies)","cookies"):
<cfoutput>#REReplace("I love jellies","jell(y|ies)","cookies")#
<p>REReplace("I love jelly","jell(y|ies)","cookies"):
<cfoutput>#REReplace("I love jelly","jell(y|ies)","cookies")#</cfoutput>
