Determines the index of the first list element that contains a specified substring.
Index of the first list element that contains substring, regardless of case. If not found, returns zero.
ListContainsNoCase(list, substring [, delimiters ])
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<h3>ListContainsNoCase Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.letter")> <!--- First, query to get some values for our list elements---> <cfquery name = "GetParkInfo" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT PARKNAME,CITY,STATE FROM PARKS WHERE PARKNAME LIKE '#FORM.letter#%' </cfquery> <cfset tempList = ValueList(GetParkInfo.City)> <cfif ListContainsNoCase(tempList, FORM.yourCity) is not 0 OR FORM.yourCity is ""> <p><cfif FORM.yourCity is "">The list of parks for the letter <cfoutput>#FORM.Letter#</cfoutput>