Sets the character encoding of Form and URL scope variable values; used when the character set of the input to a form, or the character set of a URL, is not in Latin-1 encoding (ISO-8859-1).
Display and formatting functions, System functions
cfcontent, cfprocessingdirective, URLDecode, URLEncodedFormat
Use this tag when the character set of the input to a form or the character set of a URL is not in Latin-1 encoding. For example, Traditional Chinese characters are in Big5 encoding. Before getting URL or FORM parameters, call this function (typically, in the application.cfml page) to set the encoding and avoid getting incorrect parameter values.
For more information, see:
The following example shows how you could process form data such as the following:
<form action='process.cfm' method='get'>
<input name='xxx' type='text'> <input name='yyy' type='text'> </form>
setEncoding("url", "big5"); writeoutput(; writeoutput(URL.yyy); </cfoutput>