Sets the value of a profile entry in an initialization file.
An empty string, upon successful execution; otherwise, an error message.
SetProfileString(iniPath, section, entry, value)
<h3>SetProfileString Example</h3> This example uses SetProfileString to set the timeout value in an initialization file. Enter the full path of your initialization file, specify the timeout value, and submit the form. <!--- This section checks whether the form was submitted. If so, this section sets the initialization path and timeout value to the path and timeout value specified in the form ---> <cfif Isdefined("Form.Submit")> <cfset IniPath = FORM.iniPath> <cfset Section = "boot loader"> <cfset MyTimeout = FORM.MyTimeout> <cfset timeout = GetProfileString(IniPath, Section, "timeout")> <cfif timeout Is Not MyTimeout> <cfif MyTimeout Greater Than 0> <hr size = "2" color = "#0000A0"> <p>Setting the timeout value to <cfoutput>#MyTimeout#</cfoutput> </p> <cfset code = SetProfileString(IniPath, Section, "timeout", MyTimeout)> <p>Value returned from SetProfileString: <cfoutput>#code#</cfoutput></p> <cfelse> <hr size = "2" color = "red"> <p>Timeout value should be greater than zero in order to provide time for user response.</p> <hr size = "2" color = "red"> </cfif> <cfelse> <p>The timeout value in your initialization file is already <cfoutput>#MyTimeout#</cfoutput>.</p> </cfif> <cfset timeout = GetProfileString(IniPath, Section, "timeout")> <cfset default = GetProfileString(IniPath, Section, "default")> <h4>Boot Loader</h4> <p>Timeout is set to: <cfoutput>#timeout#</cfoutput>.</p> <p>Default directory is: <cfoutput>#default#</cfoutput>.</p> </cfif> <form action = "setprofilestring.cfm"> <hr size = "2" color = "#0000A0"> <table cellspacing = "2" cellpadding = "2" border = "0"> <tr> <td>Full Path of Init File</td> <td><input type = "Text" name = "IniPath" value = "C:\myboot.ini"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Timeout</td> <td><input type = "Text" name = "MyTimeout" value = "30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type = "Submit" name = "Submit" value = "Submit"></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </form>