Deletes an element from a list.
A copy of the list, without the specified element.
ListDeleteAt(list, position [, delimiters ])
To use this and other functions with the default delimiter (comma), you can code as follows:
<cfset temp2 = ListDeleteAt(temp, "3")>
To specify another delimiter, you code as follows:
<cfset temp2 = ListDeleteAt(temp, "3", ";")>
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<!--- First, query to get some values for our list elements---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetParkInfo" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT PARKNAME,CITY,STATE FROM Parks WHERE PARKNAME LIKE 'CHI%' </CFQUERY> <CFSET temp = ValueList(GetParkInfo.ParkName)> <CFSET deleted_element = ListGetAt(temp, "3", ",")> <cfoutput> <p>The original list: #temp# </cfoutput> <!--- Delete the third element from the list ---> <CFSET temp2 = ListDeleteAt(Temp, "3")> <cfoutput> <p>The changed list: #temp2# <p><I>This list element:<br>#deleted_element#<br> is no longer present at position three of the list.</I> </cfoutput>