This section describes how to configure a web server to serve ColdFusion pages, for Windows and UNIX. Do this if you did not configure a web server automatically during installation, or to change your web server.
Note: If you cannot verify your configuration, repeat the procedure. If the problem persists, contact Macromedia Technical Support for assistance, or manually create the element that you cannot verify in the configuration (for example, manually add an entry to the Apache web server properties file, as documented in this section).
This section explains how to configure the following web servers in Windows:
This section describes how to configure Internet Information Server (IIS) for ColdFusion MX in Windows, and how to verify your configuration.
Note: The Macromedia ColdFusion MX team has tested integration with the .Net Framework version 1 and Service Pack 1.
cf_root\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp cf_root\runtime\lib -jar cf_root\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws IIS -site "0" -map .cfm,.cfc,.cfml,.jsp -v
Note: You must enter the previous command as a single (long) line.
The following is a sample command:
c:\cfusionmx\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib -jar c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws IIS -site "0" -map .cfm,.cfc,.cfml,.jsp -v
This adds the appropriate IIS application mappings for ColdFusion MX.
If necessary, ColdFusion MX generates the following log file for errors: cf_root\runtime\lib\wsconfig\wsconfig.log.
The following figure shows a sample JRunScripts virtual directory:
The following figure shows a sample Properties dialog box for the JRunScripts virtual directory:
This section describes how to configure Netscape Enterprise web server 3.6x or iPlanet web server (4.x or 6.x) for ColdFusion MX in Windows, and how to verify your configuration.
cf_root\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp cf_root\runtime\lib -jar cf_root\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws <Iplanet or NES> -dir <Netscape/iPlanet config directory> -v
Note: You must enter the previous command as a single (long) line.
The following is a sample command:
c:\cfusionmx\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib -jar c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws NES -dir c:\netscape\server4\https-yourserver\config -v
NameTrans fn="jrunfilter"
line in the file:#JRun NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/servlet" dir="e:/netscape/servers/docs/servlet"
<Object name="jrun"> PathCheck fn="jrunfilter" Service fn="jrunservice" </Object>
This section describes how to configure the Apache web server for ColdFusion MX in Windows, and how to verify your configuration.
cf_root\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp cf_root\runtime\lib -jar cf_root\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws Apache -dir <Apache conf directory> -v
Note: You must enter the previous command as a single (long) line.
The following is a sample command:
c:\cfusionmx\runtime\jre\bin\java -cp c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib -jar c:\cfusionmx\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar -ws Apache -dir c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf -v
Verify that the following code is appended to this file:
# JRun Settings LoadModule jrun_module "c:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" <IfModule mod_jrun.c> JRunConfig Verbose false JRunConfig Apialloc false JRunConfig Ssl false JRunConfig Serverstore "c:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" JRunConfig Bootstrap #JRunConfig Errorurl <URL for errors> </IfModule>
This section explains how to configure the following web servers on UNIX:
This section describes how to configure the Apache web server for ColdFusion MX on UNIX, and how to verify your configuration.
cf_root/jre/bin/java -jar cf_root/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws Apache -dir <apache config directory> -v
Note: You must enter the previous command as a single (long) line.
The following is a sample command:
/opt/coldfusionmx/jre/bin/java -jar /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws Apache -dir /etc/httpd/conf -v
Note: For unique configurations, add the -bin and -script parameters.
Verify that the following code is appended to this file:
# JRun Settings LoadModule jrun_module "/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" <IfModule mod_jrun.c> JRunConfig Verbose false JRunConfig Apialloc false JRunConfig Ssl false JRunConfig Serverstore "/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" JRunConfig Bootstrap #JRunConfig Errorurl <URL for errors> </IfModule>
This section describes how to configure Netscape Enterprise web server 3.6x or iPlanet web server (4.x or 6.x) for ColdFusion MX on UNIX, and how to verify your configuration.
cf_root/jre/bin/java -jar cf_root/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws <Iplanet or NES> -dir <Netscape/iPlanet config directory> -v
Note: You must enter the previous command as a single (long) line.
The following is a sample command:
/opt/coldfusionmx/jre/bin/java -jar /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws NES -dir /usr/netscape/server4/https-surf/config -v
NameTrans fn="jrunfilter"
line in the file:#JRun NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/servlet" dir="e:/netscape/servers/docs/servlet"
<Object name="jrun"> PathCheck fn="jrunfilter" Service fn="jrunservice" </Object>