ColdFusion MX supports third-party Object Request Brokers (ORBs) through its integration with Borland Visibroker. However, you must acquire the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) software separately from Borland.
This section describes the system requirements for enabling CORBA support, and explains how to install and configure Visibroker to work with ColdFusion MX.
You must have all of the following components installed on your computer before you can make CORBA invocations from ColdFusion MX:
For more information, see the Borland Visibroker documentation.
(You only need the jar file on the computer that is running ColdFusion MX; you do not need the full Visibroker installation.)
The following is an example of a correctly configured connector:
Field |
Value |
ORB Name |
visibroker |
ORB Class Name |
coldfusion.runtime.corba.VisibrokerConnector |
Classpath |
(none) |
ORB Property File |
c:\CFusionMX\lib\ |
The ORB Property File points to a Java properties file that contains the correct ORB settings for Visibroker.
The contents of the file look like the following:
org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB SVCnameroot=namingroot
The CORBA Connectors page appears.
This sets the new connector to be the default.
Note: If you must connect to an osagent in another subnetwork, include the following lines in the file:
vbroker.agent.addr=<IP address of machine running OSAGENT>
command, as in the following example: irep myir MyIDLFile.idl
nameserv namingroot
Note: IThe name of the Naming Service (namingroot in the previous example) must match the value for SVCnameroot in the file.
For more information, see the Borland Visibroker documentation.
For more information, see "Managing ColdFusion MX".
You can now make CORBA invocations from ColdFusion MX. For more information about integrating CORBA objects into ColdFusion MX, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.