Changing the ColdFusion MX user account in Windows

If you discover that the user account under which ColdFusion MX runs has an inappropriate level of access-for example, to interact with remote data sources, other application pages, and COM objects-you should change the user account.

Note:   You cannot follow this procedure in Windows 98 and Windows ME because they do not use services in their architecture. For Windows NT, select Services from the Control Panel and use the following procedure as a guideline.

To change the ColdFusion MX user account:

  1. Select Start > Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter mmc in the Open text box and click OK.

    The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) appears for a new console, labeled Console1, as the following figure shows:

    The Microsoft Management Console for a new console

  3. Select Console > Open.
  4. In the Open dialog box, browse to compmgmt.msc, the Computer Management console file (usually located in the system or system32 directory). Click Open.

    The MMC for Computer Management appears, as the following figure shows:

    The Microsoft Management Console for Computer Management

  5. On the Tree tab, under Services and Applications, click Services.

    All of the services for your computer appear in the right pane.

  6. Right-click ColdFusion MX Application Server and select Properties.

    The ColdFusion MX Application Server Properties (Local Computer) dialog box appears, as the following figure shows:

    The ColdFusion MX Application Server Properties dialog box for the local computer

  7. On the Log On tab, select This account, and enter the account information.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the MMC with the services displayed in the right pane, right-click ColdFusion MX Application Server and select Restart.

    Caution:   Do not rename your Windows Administrator account. This will cause problems with security policies and profiles.
