Connecting to an external JDBC Type 4 data source

ColdFusion MX includes JDBC Type 4 database drivers from Merant and MySQL, and JDBC Type 3 database drivers from Merant and SQL Link. (JDBC is an Application Programming Interface (API) for Java programs to access data.)

To use a JDBC driver that is not included with ColdFusion MX (such as SQLAnywhere or PostGreSQL) you must configure it and add a data source for it.

To connect to an external JDBC data source:

  1. Copy the database driver file to a directory other than the cf_root directory.
  2. In the ColdFusion Administrator, open the Java and JVM Settings page.
  3. In the Class Path text box, enter the directory that contains the driver file and click Submit Changes.
  4. Restart ColdFusion MX.

    For more information, see "Managing ColdFusion MX".

    Note:   In Windows, make sure that you restart all of the ColdFusion MX services; these are listed in "Overview of services".

  5. In the ColdFusion Administrator, add the other JDBC Type 4 data source, selecting Other from the Driver drop-down list box.

    For more information, see the chapter on data source management in Administering ColdFusion MX.

You can now connect to an external JDBC Type 4 data source.
