Installing Verity Locales

ColdFusion MX lets you do Verity searches for languages other than English. For European languages, ColdFusion uses LinguistX technology from Inxight, and for Asian languages, ColdFusion uses ICU (IBM® Classes for Unicode) technology. For more information, see Working with Verity Tools.

This section describes how to install a Verity Locales package from the Macromedia website, and how to switch to a different Verity Locales package.

To install Verity Locales:

  1. In your browser, go to the following location on the Macromedia website:

  2. Enter your ColdFusion MX license key.
  3. Download the appropriate Verity Locales package (.zip file for Windows, .tar file for UNIX), and save it to your cf_root directory.

    Select from the following Verity Locales packages: Asian&European and English.

  4. Extract the .zip or .tar file in your cf_root directory.

    During extraction, the search files are automatically placed in the appropriate directories under the cf_root\lib or cf_root/lib directory.

  5. To use a different Verity Locales package (for example, English), repeat this procedure for the new Verity Locales package.
