Migrating ColdFusion 5 Applications
Migrating ColdFusion 5 Applications
Using the ColdFusion Code Compatibility Analyzer
To isolate compatibility issues between ColdFusion MX and ColdFusion Server 5, use the Code Compatibility Analyzer to check your ColdFusion pages for potential incompatibilities. Based on diagnostic information, the Code Compatibility Analyzer issues error and information messages to alert you to possible compatibility issues.
The Code Compatibility Analyzer detects the following issues:
- Obsolete CFML features in ColdFusion MX
- Deprecated CFML features in ColdFusion MX
- CFML features that might produce different behaviors in ColdFusion MX
- CFML syntax errors
To access the Code Compatibility Analyzer, click the link in the ColdFusion Administrator.
When using the Code Compatibility Analyzer, follow these guidelines:
- To avoid time-consuming operations and possibly degraded server performance for an extended period of time, do not run the Code Compatibility Analyzer on multiple application directories.
- When testing only for possible ColdFusion MX incompatibilities, turn off CFML validation in the Code Compatibility Analyzer administration page.
- To validate strict CFML syntax, turn on CFML validation. You can also validate individual tags and functions. For more information, see the online Help in the Code Compatibility Analyzer administration page.