The CF.query
function lets you populate Macromedia Flash MX movie elements with data retrieved from a ColdFusion data source.
To pull data into your Flash MX movie from a ColdFusion data source:
You create a server-side ActionScript to execute the query and returns the data in a record set to the client-your Flash MX movie. You can use methods in the RecordSet ActionScript object on the client to manipulate data in the record set and present data in your Flash MX movie.
Note: Client-side ActionScript files use the .as extension. Server-side ActionScript files use the .asr extension, for "ActionScript remote."
The server-side ActionScript feature in ColdFusion Server MX lets you write server-side ActionScript files to perform queries against ColdFusion data sources. You must first understand the following:
ActionScript function. See "CF.query," in Chapter 5.
Using the CF.query
function, you can do the following tasks:
The CF.query
function can retrieve data from any supported ColdFusion data source (see "About ColdFusion data sources").