The following procedures describes how to build a simple server-side ActionScript application. The example application, a corporate personnel directory, uses the NetServices object to connect to the personneldirectory
server-side ActionScript. The personneldirectory
server-side ActionScript retrieves data from a ColdFusion data source and returns the results to the Flash movie as a RecordSet object.
Note: The server-side ActionScript that you create provides the backend services in an application.
This example requires the following:
For more information, see the following sections:
In this example, you create a search function that performs a simple search operation against a ColdFusion data source. This function accepts two arguments, firstName and lastName, and returns any records found that match these parameters.
Create a server-side ActionScript file that contains the following code, and save the file as personneldirectory.asr:
//search takes firstName lastName arguments
function search(firstName, lastName) { searchdata = CF.query({datasource: "bigDSN", sql:"SELECT * from personnel WHERE fname = firstName AND lname = lastName"{); if (searchdata) return searchdata; else return null; }
The Flash movie interface consists of one frame with a variety of text boxes and a submit button.
The following figure shows what the pDirectory Flash movie looks like:
To send data to a server-side ActionScript, you must create a function that passes the data from the Flash movie to the server-side ActionScript. The search function, applied at the frame level, collects the user-entered data from the firstName and lastName text boxes and passes the data as function arguments to the directoryService object, which is created when the Flash movie connects to the Flash Remoting service. For more information, see "Checking for a Flash Remoting service connection".
The following is a Flash MX ActionScript example:
#include ""
function search() { // The search() method is defined in the server-side AS file, lastName.text); dataView.setDataProvider(null); status.text = "waiting..."; }
In this example, the search function passes the contents of firstName and lastName text boxes to the server-side ActionScript.
The dataView.setDataProvider(null) function clears the dataView list box component. The status.text action displays a message in the status text box while the record set is being retrieved from the server-side ActionScript.
When you create a function that calls a server-side ActionScript function, you must also create a function to handle the data returned by the server-side ActionScript. You access data returned by a server-side ActionScript by defining a function with the same name as the function making the initial call, only you append _Result
to the name.
For example, if you create a function called basicQuery
to return query data, you also need to define a results function to handle returned data; the results function would be declared as basicQuery_result
In the following example, the results function search_Result
supplies the record set to the dataView.setDataProvider function:
function search_Result(resultset)
{ dataView.setDataProvider(resultset); status.text = (0+resultset.getLength())+" names found."; }
In this example, the _Result suffix tells the Flash Remoting service to return the results of the search function to this function. The dataView.setDataProvider(resultset) function assigns the results returned by the Flash Remoting service to the dataView list box. The status.text action displays the number of records returned by the Flash Remoting service.
To ensure that the Flash movie is connected to the Flash Remoting service, you use an if statement; for example:
if (inited == null)
{ inited = true; NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl("http://localhost:8100/flashservices/ gateway"); gateway_conn = NetServices.createGatewayConnection(); directoryService = gateway_conn.getService(personneldirectory, this); status.text = "Type into the text boxes, then click 'Search'"; }
In this example, inited is evaluated for a value. If it is null (not connected), the movie connects to the Flash Remoting service using the NetServices object. For more information about connecting to the Flash Remoting service, see "Connecting to the Flash Remoting service".