Error code |
No. |
Description |
K2Error_StyleFiles |
(-31) |
Invalid style files. |
K2Error_Permissions |
(-32) |
Bad file or directory permission. |
K2Error_CollNotAvail |
(-33) |
The collection is not available because it is down or under repair. This error occurs only when the Verity search engine is attempting a submit action (for example, insert, update, or delete), to a collection. If this error is returned, the submit action does not occur. |
K2Error_CollIll |
(-34) |
The collection is corrupt and needs repair. |
K2Error_v3Legacy |
(-35) |
Unsupported on Legacy V3 database. |
K2Error_CollRepair |
(-36) |
The collection has been repaired. |
K2Error_CollReadOnly |
(-37) |
This collection is read-only. No submits are allowed. |
K2Error_CollPurge |
(-38) |
Purge failed due to problems deleting from any of the following directories: pdd, work, trans |
K2Error_CollPathTooBig |
(-39) |
Collection path supplied for the path member in K2CollectionOpenArgRec is too long. |
K2Error_LocaleIncompat |
(-101) |
Collection and session locales are incompatible. |
K2Error_KBNotOpened |
(-102) |
Knowledgebase cannot be opened. |
Error code |
No. |
Description |
K2Warning_CollectionDown |
(10) |
The collection was down when it was opened. |
K2Warning_QueryComplex |
(11) |
Too many matching words. |
K2Warning_LowMemory |
(12) |
Memory is low for indexing. |
K2Warning_CollectionReadOnly |
(13) |
The collection is read-only. |
K2Warning_DriverNotFound |
(14) |
Couldn't locate specified driver. |
K2Warning_LargeToken |
(15) |
Returned a token greater than maxSize. |
K2Warning_ArgTooLarge |
(16) |
Argument too large. |
K2Warning_DataSrcNotAvail |
(17) |
Cannot locate collection data. |
K2Warning_SearchRestricted |
(18) |
Searching subset of collection. |
Error code |
No. |
Description |
K2TcpError_Memory |
c100 |
Out of memory. |
K2TcpError_ConnDrop |
c200 |
Connection closed by remote host. |
K2TcpError_WillBlock |
c300 |
Will block on this call. |
K2TcpError_Call_DNS |
c600 |
DNS lookup failed (use IP address). |
K2TcpError_Call_Send |
c700 |
Send failed (maybe connection damaged). |
K2TcpError_Call_Recv |
c800 |
Recv failed (maybe connection damaged). |
K2TcpError_Call_Ioctl |
c900 |
Ioctl failed (Internal error). |
K2TcpError_Call_Socket |
ca00 |
Socket failed (maybe out of file handles). |
K2TcpError_Call_Bind |
cb00 |
Bind failed (local address already in use). |
K2TcpError_Call_Listen |
cc00 |
Listen failed (maybe out of resources). |
K2TcpError_Call_Accept |
cd00 |
Accept failed (maybe out of resources). |
K2TcpError_Call_Select |
ce00 |
Select failed (maybe connection damaged). |
K2TcpError_Call_Connect |
cf00 |
Connect failed (connection not accepted). |