Collection structure and ColdFusion

Collections created in ColdFusion, either through the ColdFusion Administrator or by using the cfcollection tag, have different directory structures than external collections. An external collection is one created by a tool other than ColdFusion, such as the native Verity indexing tool mkvdk. For more information on mkvdk, see Chapter 2, "Managing Collections with the mkvdk utility".

The following figure shows the directory structure of a collection that was created with ColdFusion. This collection consists of two subdirectories-custom and file-that are not present in external collections:

The figure shows the directory structure of a collection created by ColdFusion. It contains custom and file directories.

The following figure shows the directory structure of an external collection, named col_01. Note the absence of custom and file directories:

The figure shows the directory structure of an external collection. It lacks the custom and file directories that are characteristic of collections created by ColdFusion.

The type of index used dictates which of these folders is populated with index data. Based on the type attribute of the cfindex tag, the file folder is used for type="File" and for type="Path"; the custom folder is used for type="Custom". For more information on indexing, see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.

The type information is important when you configure the collPath attribute of a collection in your k2server.ini file. The name of the external collection (col_01) above is C:\myColls\col_01. In contrast, the collection created by ColdFusion (cfdocumentation) actually contains two collections-C:\CFusion\Verity\Collections\cfdocumentation\file and C:\CFusion\Verity\Collections\cfdocumentation\custom. Using CFML tags, you only need to refer to "cfdocumentation" to access both the file and custom collections. However, since Verity tools, such as K2 Server, do not understand the ColdFusion collection structure, you must explicitly specify both the file collection and the custom collection in order for K2 Server to search collections created with ColdFusion.

For more information about configuring the collPath attribute, see "Editing the k2server.ini file".
