Verity search modes in ColdFusion

Your ColdFusion applications can search Verity collections using two modes:

By default, unless you configure ColdFusion to use K2 Server, ColdFusion uses VDK mode to search collections. The cfsearch tag is functionally identical between the two modes.

For more information about the benefits and restrictions of K2 Server, see "About K2 Server".

For more information on using VDK mode (the default Verity search mode), see Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.

How ColdFusion determines which mode to use

ColdFusion determines which search mode to use by examining which server (ColdFusion or K2) has registered the collection name(s) that you specified in your cfsearch tag.

Note:   You cannot combine collections registered with ColdFusion and with K2 Server within a single cfsearch tag. To search both types of collections from the same ColdFusion page, use two cfsearch tags.

Your server may contain several Verity collections. You can register a collection with the ColdFusion Server (for VDK mode searches) and with the K2 Server (for K2 mode searches). To register a collection for VDK mode searches, you use a cfcollection tag, either directly in CFML or indirectly with the ColdFusion Administrator. To register a collection for K2 mode searches, edit the k2server.ini file. For more information, see "Editing the k2server.ini file".

In the following example, the plants collection has been registered with ColdFusion and is not listed in the k2server.ini file. ColdFusion uses the VDK mode to search this collection:


In the following example, plants_al has been listed in k2server.ini and is a unique alias. That is, the collection name, plants_al, is different than any Verity collections that are configured for use by ColdFusion. ColdFusion uses K2 mode to search this collection:


Tip:   Check the Verity Collections page in the ColdFusion Administrator for possible naming conflicts between collection and collection alias names. If you have a collection named plants that is registered with ColdFusion, you must have a unique alias in the k2server.ini file to run a K2 mode search.

Verity information storage

All Verity configuration data and collection name registration information are stored in an XML file (neo-verity.xml), which is used solely by the ColdFusion Server. This XML file, which is located in cf_root/lib, contains two collection lists. One list contains collections that are registered with ColdFusion; ColdFusion uses the VDK mode to search these collections. The second list contains collections that are registered with K2 Server; ColdFusion uses the K2 mode to search these collections. You do not need to edit this XML file.

ColdFusion updates neo-verity.xml whenever one of the following occurs:

Before ColdFusion updates neo-verity.xml, it copies the file, using the BAK extension.

Tip:   If the neo-verity.xml and neo-verity.bak files become damaged, use the file. This file is a valid neo-verity.xml file that has not been modified since you installed ColdFusion.
