Stopping K2 Server

You can run K2 Server as a Windows service or in a command window, as an ordinary application. Unless you use the -ntService 1 option when starting K2 Server, K2 Server runs in the command window. There are several ways to stop K2 Server, depending on how it runs.

Stopping K2 Server when run as a service

To halt K2 Server when it is running as a Windows service, do either of the following:

Stopping K2 Server when run as an application

When K2 Server is running as an application in a command window, you stop it by pressing Ctrl+C to kill the process in the window where it is running.

Stopping K2 Server on UNIX

The ColdFusion installation includes a script that you run to halt K2 Server. By default, the stopk2server script is located in the /cf_root/lib directory.
